What Is Carbon Monoxide?

And What Causes It in Your Home or Business?

Carbon monoxide (CO) is a gas that has no color or odor, but is extremely dangerous. The gas can cause illness or death. It is found in the combustion fumes created by gas ranges, heating systems, stoves, lanterns, wood stoves, space heaters, and cars and trucks. Anyting that burns fuel can create CO and it can build up in places that don't have good ventilation, thus poisoning people and pets that breathe in the fumes.

With good carbon monoxide detection, you can determine if there is a buildup of CO in your home. If there is, you can turn off gas appliances, open windows and doors, and leave the structure.A blood test at the local hospital can determine if you were exposed to CO and, if so, the sources will have to be dealt with so the structure can be safe again. Many times, your gas company can assist with this by checking furnaces and other gas appliances for leaks.

Symptoms of CO Poisoning

Knowing the Symptoms of CO Poisoning Can Save Lives

The common symptoms of CO poisoning include:

  • Headache
  • Weakness
  • Dizziness
  • Vomiting
  • Nausea
  • Confusion
  • Chest pain

It can be difficult to tell if CO poisoning is present because the symptoms can minicthose of other conditions. People who are intoxicated or sleeping can die from CO exposure before any symptoms present themselves. If you have a CO detector in place, it detects carbon monoxide and warns you so that you can put an end to the exposure by either cutting off the source or exiting the home or business.

Protect Against CO Poisoning

Schedule Your Free Consultation Today!

At SPS Fire and Security, we work hard to provide you with personalized and superior service that gives you the peace of mind that you deserve. Carbon Monoxide detection is very important, as this odorless and invisible gas is a danger to all who come into contact with it. To learn more about how to prevent CO poisoning, contact us today to schedule your free, no-obligation consultation by clicking the button below or call 585-770-0348.


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